…by inviting their Spanish-speaking students to help them practice

Last week, Hillwood High school finished its 10-week course with Voces de Nashville. They learned how to communicate with Spanish-speaking students and families about a variety of school-related topics, from student emotional well-being to navigating the school building.

For the last class, Ms. Carlson, who advocated for the Spanish course for her and her colleagues together with Community Achieves manager Jeremy Quiñonez, organized a group of students to come and practice with teachers.

We are proud to partner with the staff at Hillwood High School (the future James Lawson High School!) because we’ve seen just how dedicated they are to building relationships with all students and families regardless of language.

Mr. Curtis, paraprofessional, plays Adivina Quién (Guess Who) in Spanish with a student.

19 de abril por Becca